Professional Pool Cleaning Services in Lake Worth, FL

Keep your pool looking clean and running smoothly with Tobia Pool Care, LLC. We provide comprehensive pool cleaning services throughout Lake Worth, West Palm Beach, Boynton Beach, and the surrounding areas. Our professional pool technicians perform all necessary maintenance tasks to keep your pool looking great, including general cleaning, chemical balancing, filter replacement, vacuuming, skimming, and much more. Whether you own a residential or commercial pool, our pool service company ensures your swimming pool remains in pristine condition year-round. Contact Tobia Pool Care, LLC today to learn more about the comprehensive pool maintenance and cleaning services we offer. Give us a call today at 561-86-POOLS to request a personalized pool cleaning estimate.

Swimming Pool Inspections

At Tobia Pool Care, LLC, we take the time to thoroughly inspect your pool to ensure it is running at optimal performance. We perform a 17-point inspection to check for various items, including filters, tiles, skimmer baskets, timers, pumps, pressure gauges, and more. Regular pool inspections help identify potential issues before they become costly problems, whether you have an inground pool, vinyl pool, or concrete pool. We always leave a note with the details from our inspection and include any problem areas or concerns we may find. To request a pool inspection for your Lake Worth swimming pool, reach out to Tobia Pool Care, LLC today.

Pool Relax with hat
Pool Dive

Services Include

• Visual check of pump & filter for leaks upon arrival
• Check pressure gauge
• Turn pump off
• Set timer for the correct time
• Lubricate pump lid o-ring (when necessary)
• Inspect & cleanout pump basket
• Turn pump on & ensure it primes withoutleaks
• Test pool for free available chlorine & PH

• Add proper chemicals to sanitize & balance water
• Clean out the skimmer basket
• Ensure the automatic cleaner is working
• Clean titles
• Clean and inspect filter & lubricate o-ring (monthly)
• Brush walls
• Skim pool surface
• Vacuum pool

Licensed Contractor # CPC1458826

Routine Pool Cleaning Available

Let us save you the time and hassle of cleaning your own pool. The cost of owning a pool includes regular maintenance, and professional pool service costs are worth the investment to maintain your pool properly. At Tobia Pool Care, LLC, we offer weekly and monthly cleaning services for your convenience. Our pool maintenance plans are designed to fit the needs of different pool types, depending on the size of your pool and usage patterns. Whether you need saltwater pool maintenance or care for your swimming pool with traditional chlorine, we provide excellent service to keep your pool healthy and clean. Give us a call at (561) 232-8140 to discuss your pool cleaning requirements today.